Irrational Fear

Why is it the more time you sit with something special, big news, an opportunity, the more sure you are it’s gonna go belly up? When I found out I was pregnant no way did I think that 5 weeks later I’d be cursing my stethoscope for not picking up the heart beat that wouldContinue reading “Irrational Fear”

Are you okay?

Are you okay? … Aw, are you okay!? My name isn’t Annie and this isn’t a catchy song by Michael Jackson. Also, I’m not particularly okay. The next pregnancy discovery – I will be unwilling or unable, whichever you like, to further exhaust myself trying not to look exhausted. This inevitably leads to friends, family,Continue reading “Are you okay?”

Bumpy Road Ahead

Well, after talking about examining yourself and your life at certain stages in my first (and currently last) post, I find myself throwing all I thought I knew out of the window, and learning a great deal about … pregnancy. That was easier to type than it was to say at first. I’m sure it’ll seemContinue reading “Bumpy Road Ahead”

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